Institute of Geology Malaysia (IGM) in collaboration with Digital Geoscience Global Sdn Bhd (DGeG) will be organising a fieldwork technical series 01/2023. Below are the details of the event:
Title: GEOLOGY OF KINTA VALLEY by P.Geol. Dr. Choong Chee Meng
Date: 28 OCTOBER 2023
i. IGM Member: RM 450
ii. Non-Member: RM 500
This program aims to familiarize the field geological investigation of Kinta Valley area. In this program, the participants will learn to do basic geological observation and interpretation. The focus of the program is including recognition of the major rock types/facies and secondary structures of the area, geological measurement and preliminary interpretation in the field. The participants will learn the
Module 1: Kati Formation @ Puncak Iskandar
Module 2: Kinta Limestone @ new Kampar Bus Terminal
Module 3: Kinta Limestone @ Kek Lok Tong, Ipoh
Module 4: Granite @ Lubuk Timah Hot Spring
To register, scan the QR code or proceed to this link:
For more information, feel free to contact us at admin@dgeg.com.my or visit us at www.dgeg.com.my .
We really appreciate your participation!